Questions 1-10
Questions 1-3

Choose the correct letter, A. B or C

Example:  Martin wants to
A sell a flat.
B rent a flat.
C buy a flat.

1      What is Martin’s occupation?
A   He works in a car factory.
B   He works in a bank.
C   He is a college student.

2     The friends would prefer somewhere with
A   four bedrooms.
B   three bedrooms.
C   two bathrooms.

3     Phil would rather live in
A   the east suburbs.
B   the city centre.
 the west suburbs.

Questions 4-10
Complete the table below.

Details of flats available
Good (+) and bad (-) points
Bridge Street, near the 4) __________
•  3 bedrooms
•  very big living room
(+) 5) __________ (£) a month

(+) transport links

(-) no shower

(-) could be 6) __________
7) __________
•  4 bedrooms
•  living room
•  8) __________
(+) 9) __________ and well equipped

(+) shower

(+) will be 10) __________

(-) £800 a month

Questions 11-20
Questions 11-15
Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

The British Library
11       The reading rooms are only open for group visits on__________
12       The library was officially opened in__________
13       All the library rooms together cover__________ m2.
14       The library is financed by the__________
15      The main function of the library is to provide resources for people doing__________

Questions 16-20
Label the plan below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Plan of the British Library

16) _________
17) _________ 
18) _________
19) _________
20) _________

Questions 21-30
Questions 21-25

Choose the correct answer A. B or C

Project on work placement

21    The main aim of Dave's project is to
A   describe a policy.
B   investigate an assumption.
C   identify a problem.

22    Dave’s project is based on schemes in
A   schools.
C   universities.

23    How many academic organisations returned Dave's questionnaire?
A   15
B   50
C   150

24    Dave wanted his questionnaires to be completed by company
A   Human Resources Managers.
B   Line Managers.

25    Dr Green wants Dave to provide a full list of
A   respondents.
B   appendices.
C   companies.

Questions 26-30
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Notes on project

-      improve the 26)__________of ideas
-      include a 27)__________of 'Work Placement'
-      have separate sections for literature survey and research 28)__________and methods

Preparation stage - add summary
29)__________ development - good
Constraints on learning - provide better links to the 30 )__________ from research

Questions 31-40
Questions 31-35

Complete the sentences below
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

31   Bilingualism can be defined as having an equal level of communicative __________ in two or more languages.
32   Early research suggested that bilingualism caused problems with __________ and mental development.
33   Early research into bilingualism is now rejected because it did not consider the __________ backgrounds of the children
34   It is now thought that there is a __________ bilingualism and cognitive skills in children.
35   Research done by Ellen Bialystok in Canada now suggests that the effects of bilingualism also apply to ________

Questions 36-40
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

36    In Dr Bialystok's experiment, the subjects had to react according to
A   the colour of the square on the screen.
 the location of the square on the screen.
C   the location of the shift key on the keyboard.

37    The experiment demonstrated the 'Simon effect’ because it involved a conflict between
A   seeing something and reacting to it.
 producing fast and slow reactions.
 demonstrating awareness of shape and colour.

38    The experiment shows that, compared with the monolingual subjects, the bilingual subjects
A   were more intelligent.
 had faster reaction times overall.
C   had more problems with the 'Simon effect'.

39    The results of the experiment indicate that bilingual people may be better at
A   doing different types of tasks at the same time.
B   thinking about several things at once.
C   focusing only on what is needed to do a task.

40    Dr Bialystok's first and second experiments both suggest that bilingualism may
A   slow down the effects of old age on the brain.
 lead to mental confusion among old people.
C   help old people to stay in better physical condition.

1. B:      
2. A:
3. C:      
4. bus station:   
5. 450:  
6. noisy:               :
7. Hills Avenue:
8. dining room:
9. very modern:               
10. quiet:            
11. Sundays:      
12. 1998:             
13. a hundred thousand:             
14. government:             
15. research:     
16. Conference Centre/Center
17. information desk:    
18. bookshop:  
19. King(’)s Library:         
20. stamp display:
21. B:
22. C:
23. A:
24. B:
25. A:
26. organisation
27. definition:
28. aims:
29. Key Skills:
30. evidence:
31. proficiency:
32. learning:
33. social and economic:
34. positive:
35. adults:
36. A:
37. A:
38. B:
39. C:
40. A: