Writing Task 2

It is widely accepted that people who have post-school qualifications earn a higher salary than those less educated do. University students should, therefore, pay all the full cost incurred over the course of obtaining a college education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

With the labour intensive economy gradually giving way to knowledge-focused economy, the access to higher education has become an issue of broad interest. The proposal to charge all university students with tuition fees and allow no exemption arises mainly from the concern that tertiary education has to compete with many other urgent demands for public funds and struggle with underfunding. I believe that this policy if implemented, will have an accumulative effect on the well-being of either individual students or the society as a whole.

When laying the hope of future development over students, the government cannot shirk from the responsibility to finance them. The sustained growth of a country rests on young talents. In this sense, the government is investing, not spending money. A standard example is America, a country investing multimillion dollars in higher education on an annual basis and sponsoring students' study by different forms of aid, such as scholarships, subsidies, allowances and student loans. It can be expected that these well-educated aspiring people, after finishing their education, will constitute the main drive of a slate's growth. Moreover, the government should plow a reasonable proportion of tax revenue, most being sourced from parents, back to their children.

Meanwhile, it is worth mentioning that some schools tend to force a complex of charges over students, with the aim to extend their profit margin. Ignorant of their not-for-profit nature, many universities might deviate from their most important tasks, such as improving teaching quality. The persistence of this problem will make their academic service much less credible and quality of teaching and faculty staff uneven. A university can cover its expense by various means, such as the receipt of donation, or the government's funding, instead of levying a high fee over students.

The reasons cited above have justified why university students need not pay more than a lower payment. While depending on young generations, the society should be more considerate of their situation. The effort to encourage tertiary education participation will pay back sooner, rather than later.

1.     give way to = succumb to = yield to
2.     exemption = exception
3.     accumulative = growing = increasing = incremental = spiralling
4.     shirk = evade = avoid = dodge = shun
5.     sustained = everlasting = eternal = endless = unending = perpetual
6.     rest on = hinge on = depend on
7.     aspiring = hopeful = aspirant
8.     deviate = diverge = stray
9.     persistence = continuance
10.  uneven = unbalanced = unequal
11    plow =move in a fast and uncontrolled manner.